Sunday, March 25, 2012

What Can Preschoolers Draw?

Drawing becomes an inevitable activity for our preschoolers at this age. Be it at home or in school, children aged 3 to 4 are constantly drawing. Of course, they have progressed through the scribbling stage where their drawings become more recognizable. The lines are also more developed as children have better control over the pencil. They shift from holding the pencil with their fist to using the pincer grip.

At the same time, preschoolers are also able to combine lines to form simple shapes such as circles, ovals, squares and triangles. Some children who are more experienced may attempt to draw objects using a variety of shapes. For example, a child may draw a combination of a large square, and a triangle to form a house or drawing a circle and lines to draw a person which is also commonly known as ‘stick man’ or ‘tadpole person’. Though it might not be a perfect square or circle, most adults can distinguish its shape.

Some children might encounter difficulties in drawing shapes, which is normal too. What adults can do is to draw together with children and encourage them to explore. This can also generate interest and discussion on shapes and drawing among children. As a child, I did not enjoy drawing as I felt that my drawing was not beautiful as compared to my peers and siblings.

Most of us might have instances where we felt how we are not ‘creative’ or ‘artistic’ enough to draw. But there is actually no right or wrong way in drawing or art, since it is a form of one’s creative expression. As parents, we should encourage our children’s creativity by providing opportunities and experiences for them, and to enjoy the pleasure of drawing as there is so much that we can learn or tell from a child’s drawing.

~~ taken from

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