Many a times, parents complain about their live-in maids, that the maids are not able to properly bring up their children. Oh pls.... the job and responsibility lies with the parents, and not maids or teachers or dogs or cats. Pls use your brain cells (if you can find any) and realise who are to blame, if anything goes wrong.
When we bring life to a child, we need to ensure that we nurture him/her to be an independent thinking adult. We need to set some boundaries where there should be; and yet provide the necessary freedom for him/her to grow, be self-accountable and learn from his/her own actions. It is this "freedom" that I am not ready yet. I refuse to be a parent who answer to the child's questions by saying "when you are older, you will know lah". Oh pls, if "when you are older, you will know lah", then now that I am "older", why don't I know what 4D number to buy?
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